Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Prenuptual Agreements

Mr. Bee told me a story about an engaged couple this past weekend. The bride-to-be knew that her extremely wealthy fiance wanted her to sign a prenuptial agreement before they tied the knot. She kept putting it off thinking that maybe she could put it off forever. On the day of the wedding, they were still fighting about the prenup – he refused to marry her if she didn’t sign it. The ceremony was delayed for one hour, but she eventually signed it and they got married.

A lot of people think that a prenup represents the idea that money is more important than love. Maybe also a lack of trust and faith in your partner and the relationship. And of course it’s horribly unromantic. How does the concept of a prenup fit into a Cinderella-Prince Charming story?! But would you feel differently if you were extremely wealthy and the person you were marrying was poor? What if you came from wealth and your family pushed you to get a prenup to protect the family’s assets?

I read an article recently that said in this day and age, it’s just a practical safeguard “just in case” the marriage doesn’t work out. It doesn’t mean that you love your partner any less. And you don’t necessarily have to be wealthy to have a prenup. You’ll just go out with what you came in with. It’s the easiest and fairest way to divvy up assets in a complicated situation. With the divorce rate at over 50% in the US who’s to say that your marriage is one of the ones that’ll make it.

To tell you the truth, I don’t have a firm position on prenuptual agreements… then again I don’t really have m(any) assets. Mr. Bee on the other hand hates prenups. He thinks that they represent a lack of commitment to the relationship. Marriage is not just about love – it’s a lifelong commitment. He thinks the only circumstance in which a prenup may be justified is when the relationship arose out of an affair.

I can’t say that I’m opposed to prenups, but I am a hopeless romantic. I know I would be very hurt and offended if asked to sign one.

Tags: BLOGGER Mrs. Bee Location: New York Occupation: Weddingbee Publisher Wedding Date: March 2005 Venue: Westside Loft, New York --> PREVIOUS POSTDisposable Camera Nightmare NEXT POSTFunny Comments Related Posts Our Proposal01/13/15 @ 9:34 am Love Languages09/15/14 @ 10:48 am Finding Common “Living” Ground11/04/14 @ 7:26 am So You’re Engaged: Now What?01/16/15 @ 7:04 am

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