Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Painful Truth Are You Ready !

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome the third issue of A Painful Truth!! I�m the writer, Mr Pain, and, as mentioned in previous articles, this is a WWE opinion column!!

In the first Painful Truth, I spoke about Rated RKO, and why I thought they were the best tag team to grace the WWE. I then planned to write about their face counterpart, D Generation X, but altered my schedule to write about the last WWE PPV, Backlash.

So,,, I now return to my planned article,personalized bobblehead, about the latest incarnation of D Generation X, when they feuded with the McMahons and then Rated RKO.


D Generation X was not new to the WWE. They had three incarnations before this one, and at their peak, during their second incarnation; they had 6 members at one point or another.

They are primarily known for the combination of real life friends, Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Both were already more than established as two future Hall of Famer�s, sharing between them, by the time of the 4th incarnation in 2006, a prestigious number of titles. Both had in ring capabilities, both were able to play the heel and the face, and both had, and still have,personalized bobble heads, a great, natural charisma.

A DX reunion had been hinted at for a while,customized bobbleheads, and the fans expectations were high. The WWE had something good to deliver, with a few people saying they were unhappy with the McMahons in storylines. It was time for the Degenerates to return...

But could they pull it off?

Storyline Recap:

As mentioned, the WWE had been dropping hint of a DX reunion for a while, the start point being both wrestlers using the famous DX �crotch chop� in their matches at Wrestlemania 22, the crotch chops continued for a while on RAW shows,customize bobblehead, during Shawn Michaels constant feud with Vince McMahon and Triple H�s pursuit of the WWE championship, repeatedly running into Vince in the process. On the 12th June edition of RAW, in 2006,custom bobblehead, it became official.

The week before, Vince McMahon had tried to get Triple H to join his �Kiss my ass club�. The story was that Shane slipped something into The Game�s drink, and when he came out, he would collapse. As Vince asked for Shane to pick Triple H up, Shane collapsed,personalized bobbleheads, and Triple H got up. He had switched the drinks. He pedigrees Vince McMahon, trousers down, and walks out. This lead to a speech by Vince McMahon the next week, saying that Triple H would face the 5 members of the Spirit Squad, and he would suffer the same beating that Shawn Michaels had, earlier that year.

Triple H came out, and stood in the ring. Vince then came out, showing us the footage of Shawn Michaels� brutal beating. He then told The Game that this time things would be different, and that this time it would be slower. He called out Mikey,custom bobbleheads, who ran straight into a clothesline and a general beatdown, before Vince calls out Kenny. Triple H continues his advantage, before the 2 on 1 numbers advantage comes into play. Triple H rallies and fights back, but then Vince calls out two more members, leading to a 4 on 1, with one member not used. The Game gets taken to the outside, and the Spirit Squad use the steel steps to carry out Vince McMahon�s wishes. They take Triple H back inside, and get a chair, to do a replica of what they did to Shawn Michaels. Mr. McMahon interrupts, telling them to �break his damn neck�. Shawn Michaels throws the last member of the spirit squad out from the back, and rushes to the ring, clearing house along with Triple H. They crotch chop at Vince, and it was official. DX had returned!

The next week, the typical antics began. Vince promised the destruction of DX, but as he walked away he was interrupted by a man with a chicken. Vince questions this, and the man says he was told to, because Vince loves Cocks. By this, they obviously mean the rooster!

For the next few weeks, the pranks continue, here I�ll list some of the funniest moments from this time spell, involving D Generation X.

1) June 26th, Monday Night RAW, 2006 � DX decide to impersonate the McMahons, when everyone expected DX Vs. The McMahons. They came out to �No Chance� with Triple H dressed as Vince McMahon, and Shawn Michaels coming out later in the promo, dressed as Shane. The highlights of this promo have to be when Triple H starts talking about how Mr. McMahon loves Dicks (Referring to Dick Ebersol, Dick Clark, and Dick Cheney, talking about famous men) and then going on to describe the type of Dicks Vince likes, and ending that list by saying �I just can�t get enough Dicks!!!� . I was creased with laughter the first time I saw that part. Shawn, playing Shane,Golf A Walk In The Park, then dances after EVERYTHING he says, in a poor impersonation, and then,custom bobbleheads, to stop Shawn dancing, Triple H snarls �Stop it� and Michaels falls to the floor. This entire segment was very tongue in cheek, and I found it absolutely hilarious.

2) June 19th, Monday Night RAW, 2006 � D generation X holds an official reunion. This isn�t the funniest thing they ever did, I�ll admit. But, I have it in here for the fact it was a key point. The crowd were so hyped for their comeback, and when they did their signature start, they got a huge response. The highlight for me had to be when they called out the Spirit Squad, and a bunch of midgets came out, to be playfully beaten up by the two in the ring.

3) September 25th, Monday Night RAW, 2006 � DX gets interviewed by Maria. This one was quite a short promo, but still funny. Basically, DX do a cheap plug for their merchandise, but they are then interviewed briefly by Maria. When DX attempt to use their slogan, Suck it! Maria doesn�t get it. The highlight of this segment has to be when Triple H goes �Maybe a visual aid will help you!� To the shock of Shawn. Again, very tongue in cheek.

Throughout the feud, D Generation X were very, very formidable in the ring. Triple H had raw power, and Shawn Michaels had the high flying spots which bought huge excitement to the fans. DX continued taunting The McMahons, Jonathan Coachman and The Spirit Squad, and there were a few good matches at PPV�s.

DX won against the Spirit Squad in a handicap match at Vengeance in 2006, along with beating the McMahons at Summerslam. They then went on to face the McMahons and Big Show at Unforgiven, in a handicap Hell in a Cell match. As this was perhaps the biggest match before DX went on to feud with Rated RKO,personalized bobblehead, I�ll do a quick recap now.

The match started with DX dominating, having taken the Big Show out for a bit with 2 double kicks to the groin. DX continued to dominate, driving Shane and Vince�s head into the cell, showing ruthlessness in the process,Coaching Soccer Drills 4 Simple Steps To Great Coaching, and busting them wide open! Big Show eventually got up, but DX got the chance to double team him, and they put him out for a bit before returning to the McMahons. Big Show wasn�t out however, and when he returned it was the McMahon�s turn for a bit of punishment. Michaels is thrown into the cell after a powerbomb set up sorta thing from the Big Show! Shane hits the coast to coast on Triple H, and the ear which was damaged the week before in an assault was busted open!

At this point, the only person to not be busted open was Big Show, and the chances of him being cut were minimal, as they were truly dominating. It would not last, however, as Triple H pulled himself back together, and cleared the ring out. Big Show is the difference maker again, however, and we see Vince try to get Shawn to kiss his ass. The tide turns once again, and a Big Show goes for a splash, HBK counter and puts Vince in the way. With Shane still out after an amazing enziguri from Shawn, DX surely had it won. A combo from Triple H and Shawn includes an Inverted atomic drop and a spinebuster , leading to Shane in the middle of the ring, grounded. Triple H sticks a chair AROUND Shane�s neck, and Shawn Performs a showstopping elbow drop to the Shane!! But, instead of going for the cover, HBK readies for the Sweet Chin Music, and when Big Show interferes, the match continues.

Big Show tries to end the match there and then, getting the steel steps and charging Triple H,Five Tips For Successful Sport Betting, but Triple H counters with a chair,., leading to the Big Show having his head smashed in on the steel steps, by the chair. The Big Show is left bent over the ropes, and when Vince manages to stand, DX form their own, impromptu kiss Big Shows ass club! They Drive Vince�s head into the Big Show�s rear, to the roar of the fans and the end is nigh. Triple H grabs his trusty old sledgehammer,custom bobblehead, and Shawn tunes up the band. The combo of Sweet Chin Music and a devastating sledgehammer shot is MORE than enough,custom bobblehead, and the match is well and truly over.


D Generation X had it all, what more can I say? They had the fans support, the charisma, the in ring skills and the ability to pull off almost anything. The fact this was the fourth incarnation gave them the fans support almost instantly, and they had a base which they could work off.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels are two of the greatest singles competitors ever in the WWE, and their in ring capabilities are awesome. They are friends backstage, and they have a great chemistry between them. At their best,customized bobbleheads, they are a joy to watch. At their worst, they put on more than a solid match.

As will become tradition, I will comment on their music now. I felt it was a good, original track, which summed up the DX message. Written by The Chris Warren band, it is called �Break it down�. Combined with the video, it was a track that really got the crowd going.

DX were the breath of fresh air that WWE needed at the time. They summed up the feelings of more than a few fans at the time, and their antics were memorable, even now. They got the crowd involved multiple times,Simple Tips For Buying Sports Tickets, and their opening �Are you Ready� Promo�s were immense.

All in all, I guess what I�m trying to say is that with DX, the WWE did very, very well.


And that brings to an end this issue of A Painful Truth. Once again, thanks for reading, and enjoy it, I know I am!!!

I�m struggling for ideas for my next article, so any suggestions are welcome,personalized bobbleheads, as long as they are WWE related. Just post them at the bottom of your comment, and I�ll consider them all.

Again, thanks for reading, and until next time my friends,

Stay Safe.

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